Wednesday 9 November 2016

5 huge reasons Donald Trump won

Hardly anyone saw it coming, except maybe the alt-right media and the 59 million-some-odd voters who elected Donald Trump the 45th president of the United States yesterday. I certainly didn’t. Though I was among the earliest to predict Trump would win the Republican presidential nomination, I’ve consistently said he would lose the election to Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Although he will probably win a comfortable 300+ electoral votes by the time the counting is over, at the moment he’s trailing Clinton by about 170,000 popular votes. That makes this the second-closest presidential election in modern history after the famous Kennedy-Nixon nail-biter of 1960.

So, Trump is likely to claim a mandate (that’s what he does—he’s a winner, right?), but he has one only from his own constituency. That this is a country sharply divided along racial, ethnic, religious, class, gender, cultural, and educational lines barely needs repeating, but it pervades everything. That’s probably the main reason for his victory, but here are five others:

5. White men without college degrees voted in droves, while others did not. The turnout in largely white working-class counties was extraordinary, giving Trump way more support even in areas that supported Barack Obama in 2012. Macomb County, Mich., a largely white working-class suburb of Detroit, voted for Obama over Michigan’s own Mitt Romney by four points in 2012. This time, Trump won easily, 53.6%-42.1%. That’s a stunning reversal. Some 72% of white men who don’t have college degrees voted for Trump.
How President-Elect Donald Trump could Impact the economy(1:25)
Donald Trump campaigned on his ability to create jobs and economic success, so how could the President-elect's plans impact the U.S. economy? WSJ's Shelby Holliday explains. Photo: Getty

Meanwhile, Clinton won Hispanics and African-Americans by smaller margins than Obama did, and she didn’t rack up expected big gains among college-educated suburban women. African-American turnout was down significantly from 2012. That helps explain her losses in Florida and Pennsylvania.

4. Trump’s political ruthlessness and instinct for the jugular. From “Low Energy” Jeb Bush to “Little Marco” Rubio to “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz to “Crooked Hillary,” Trump sure had a way with words. He also broke all the rules about politics by launching personal attacks from the get-go, and he never let up and rarely apologized. That bluntness endeared him to the half of the electorate that was sick of “political correctness” and politicians who never delivered on their promises. Even his insults of Mexicans, Muslims and women confirmed what his supporters wanted to hear—a non-politician who “tells it like it is.”

3. James Comey. The FBI Director’s unprecedented interventions in the last weeks of the campaign clearly helped Trump. Comey’s announcement in July that he would not recommend indicting Hillary for the private email server she used as secretary of state was accompanied by a long news conference and Congressional testimony that amounted to an indictment in the court of public opinion. His terse announcement on Oct. 28 (reportedly prompted by pro-Trump rogue FBI agents who were preparing to leak the news) that the FBI was investigating “new” emails it found on the laptop of perv Anthony Weiner threw the race into turmoil and may have clinched the deal for Trump among many voters. By the time Comey cleared Hillary again last Sunday, the damage had been done.

And would someone please explain to me how Trump factotum Rudy Giuliani seemed to know Comey’s announcement was coming in advance (although he later said he didn’t)?

2. Hillary and Bill Clinton and Clinton, Inc. “Crooked” Hillary was a typical Trumpian exaggeration, but “corrupt” wouldn’t be a stretch. The $200,000+ speeches at Goldman Sachs, the Clinton Foundation’s dealings with big-money favor seekers, etc., etc., brought back memories of the pay-for-play Clinton White House of the 1990s, when fugitive Marc Rich was pardoned, the Lincoln Bedroom was for sale, and investigations and “bimbo eruptions” were regular occurrences. Hillary’s secret email server—set up in an excess of paranoia—fit perfectly into this narrative, drove up her negatives, made Trump’s own outrages more acceptable to his supporters, and reminded people that she was a politician who stood for the status quo, not a good combination this year.

1. The revolt against elites and globalization. This, of course, is the big story—how Donald Trump, a billionaire elitist of the highest order, positioned himself as a “man of the people.” That aside, the populist rebellion against globalization, open borders and the neo-liberal world order that emerged from the Cold War, fired its first shot with the U.K.’s Brexit vote in June, and now has claimed its biggest victory.

I’ve frequently written that free trade, immigration, and technological change don’t help everyone; in fact, they leave a lot of people behind, and politicians have done little to help them—or even listened. That is the truth in the Trump victory, no matter how much of a false prophet he is. “Attention must be paid,” wrote Arthur Miller in his great play about a salesman displaced by change. And now it will be.


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