They wanted to see each other face to face, they said, and to pursue
independent lives. And so Ladan and Laleh Bijani, 29-year-old Iranian twins who
were born joined at the head, asked doctors to go ahead with a risky operation
to separate them.
Neither survived. The sisters died of blood loss yesterday afternoon
within 90 minutes of each other, doctors said, after a team of surgeons at
Raffles Hospital in Singapore worked for 50 hours to separate their brains.
The operation was the first known attempt to separate adult twins joined
at the head.
''When we undertook this challenge, we knew the risks were great,'' Dr.
Loo Choon Yong, the hospital's chairman, told reporters at a news conference.
The Bijani sisters had captured the attention and hopes of much of
Singapore, which is still recovering from its battle against severe acute
respiratory syndrome, the pneumonia-like disease that killed 32 people here.
News of the twins' deaths brought tears to the many well-wishers who had
gathered for a prayer vigil outside the hospital since the operation began on
People also wept publicly across Iran when state-run television
announced the Bijanis' deaths. The sisters, who had trained as lawyers, were
celebrities there, and President Mohammad Khatami had sent them a message and
prayed for their well-being before the operation.
The case raised ethical questions within Singapore's medical community
about whether doctors should allow patients to undergo such risky procedures.
But the twins had asked doctors to go ahead with the operation even after being
warned that there was at least a 50 percent chance that one or both would die
or suffer severe brain damage.
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Alireza Safaian, the twins' adoptive father, said he knew from the
moment he heard about the surgery that both sisters would die.
''I was sure they would die and I told everyone about this but the media
did not pay attention to what we were saying,'' he said.
He said he had taken the sisters to Germany when they were 2, and
doctors said that one of them would die if surgeons tried to separate them. He
sought advice from Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who was in exile in Najaf.
''He was not a doctor but was close to God,'' Mr. Safaian said.
Ayatollah Khomeini said the surgery was not religiously permissible and would
be considered murder since doctors knew in advance that one twin might die.
Mr. Safaian and his son and daughter, who grew up with the sisters, wept
yesterday as they watched an old videotape of Ladan and Laleh at the welfare
institute in Tehran where Mr. Safaian works. Mr. Safaian said the twins had led
normal lives before the surgery. They lived alone for the past two years, did
their own shopping and cooked for as many as 20 guests, he said.
''They were victims of a big propaganda in Iran and Singapore,'' Mr.
Safaian said. ''They were used as laboratory mice. I read about the surgery
three months ago but the ones who convinced them to go through with it did not
let them come see us. Now my girls are gone and there is nothing I can do to
bring them back.''
The twins' biological father, Dadollah Bijani of Firouzabad village in
southern Iran, told an Iranian newspaper that he had tried to talk them out of
the surgery but that their minds were made up.
Similar operations have been reported on 30 to 40 sets of infants and
young children since the 1920's, but the death rate has been high, about 50
percent, and many survivors have suffered brain damage.
Guatemalan twins, now 2 years old, who were separated last August by
surgeons at the University of California at Los Angeles, still require physical
and occupational therapy, and one suffered a neurological setback after
contracting meningitis after returning to Guatemala, said a spokeswoman for the
hospital. Doctors at Medical City Hospital in Dallas are now making plans to
separate 2-year-old brothers from Egypt.
In 2001, doctors in Singapore succeeded in separating twin infants born
in Nepal. That operation helped put Singapore -- and the neurosurgeon who led
it, Dr. Keith Goh -- on the map of cutting-edge medical centers.
Complicating the Bijani sisters' case was the fact that their brains had
grown closely intertwined over the years and shared a major vein. In 1996,
German doctors again turned down their request for an operation, saying the
shared vein made surgery too dangerous.
Before the operation, Raffles Hospital convened an ethics committee and
decided to proceed after determining that the twins were still willing even
after being made aware of the risks involved. In addition to physiotherapy
sessions to prepare them for their surgical ordeal, the Bijanis met with
counselors and psychologists to prepare them mentally.
Dr. Goh assembled a team of 100 medical professionals and more than a
dozen doctors from several countries, including a noted American expert on such
operations, Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns
Hopkins Children's Center. Speaking at a news conference after the twins'
death, Dr. Carson said: ''The women certainly understood the risks and were
determined to proceed. I felt compelled to get involved to help give them their
best chance at survival and separation, and I have no regrets over my decision.
No act is a failure if you learn from it.''
With the sisters' brains sharing a major vein, surgeons fashioned a
duplicate vein from a graft taken from Ladan's right thigh.
According to a hospital press release, separation of the twins' brains
had reached an ''advanced stage'' by 1:20 p.m. But as the surgeons toiled to
separate the many tiny blood vessels connecting the sisters' brains, the twins
began to lose blood pressure. Ladan died at 2:30 p.m. At 4 p.m., Laleh was
pronounced dead.
At their news conference in June, the Bijanis explained how, despite
having lived every moment of their lives together, they had developed divergent
interests. Laleh liked computer games, newspapers and books. Ladan liked to
chat on the Internet, read the Koran and pray. The sisters hoped to pursue
individual careers. While Ladan said she planned to continue in law, Laleh said
she hoped to become a journalist.
But one desire remained foremost, they told reporters. ''We want to see
each other -- face to face,'' said Laleh. ''We want to see each other,'' Ladan
added, ''without a mirror.''
Chart/Diagram: ''Surgery to Separate Conjoined Twins'' Adult Iranian
sisters, 29, joined at the head, died from blood loss during the final stages
of an operation to separate them. Diagram highlights the vein sisters Laleh and
Ladan shared between two brains. The twins had separate brains, but shared a
vein to the heart. Laleh kept the original vein. Ladan received a new vein from
her thigh. (Sources: Raffles Hospital, Singapore; Johns Hopkins Medical
Institutions; Associated Press)
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