Sunday 11 September 2016

World Most Shocking Moments of All Time

  1. September 11
I have lived in New York for my entire life and I was 12 when this happened. My dad worked in the world trait center on the 28th floor. Sometimes I would go to his work on bring your son to work day and I always loved going up the elevator. I was on the school bus on my way to school when I heard it. There was a bunch of screaming in the bus and I looked in the direction of the explosion and I saw it. The World Trade Center was attacked. I gawked in horror as I ran out of the bus and towards the tower that had been hit. My dad was in there. I would never forget watching as the tower lit like a torch. Then the second plane hit. The rest of the event was a blur but the worst part was a day later when I heard the four worst things any child could ever hear. "Your Dad is dead"
RIP dad. I love you
Don't think it would have been as critical for me if I didn't have a child at the time. The second worse was the so-called Neo-cons using this supreme tragedy to coalesce power and attempt to re-establish the Imperial Presidency. Instead they should have become leaders and coalesed the world and our citizens to fight back. Bush spent his capital on all fronts and all he did was pour gasoline on the flames of terrorism. No leaders even near the White House when we needed them the most. Only opportunists, political and financial. A sad eight years... - mgenet
Whoever said that Americans are dumb and selfish for thinking this was a big deal needs to go to hell. This is event killed countless people and all their families must have felt horrible. That, and it effected the economy too.
The only attack on American soil... Nope! There was another this year! – ArandomPerson
  1. The Holocaust
This is 1,000,000 times worse then 9/11. Most people voted 9/11 as it was modern disaster ( It was very bad ) and they forgot about this. The Germans murdered 6 million Jews in terrible, inhuman ways. People were forced to dig their own graves and dig their families graves. They locked them up in a room and gassed them! People were buried alive and sent on walks of 100s of miles and if you cannot keep up you get shot! Think of all the old people, all of them would've died! So many people murdered in inhumain ways. - Listmaking
Just imagine being a soldier and coming across what you expect to be a PoW came but it was something much worse. You see dead bodies everywhere and living skeletons walking around with diseases such as typhus and pneumonia. All the people who worked at the concentration camps are part of the SS, which is part of the worst group in history, the Nazis. The allied soldiers heard about camps around 1942 for the first time but just thought it was propaganda making the other side look bad. You wish it was just propaganda, the Holocaust was to horrible to be true - SirSkeletorThe3rd
The Holocaust... Just another tragedy in human time, as the supposed "God" killed more people than all the people killed in all of the human wars multiplied by 1,000,000. - ARandomPerson
I agree this is way way worse than 9/11! I don't know the death toll for 9/11 but I know it wasn't 6 million! Jeez, people are dumb.
  1. Hiroshima / Nagasaki Nuclear Bombing
Death of bruce lee is shocking because he is one of the best legendary martial artists ofall time but what can you expect from surviving a blast inside abulding in hiroshima or nagasaki and it causes lots of damage including radioactive that causes damage on human cells - ronluna
Why did it ever need to happen? It was almost needless. In 9/11, thousands were killed, but hundreds of thousands of inoccents were killed. It was horrible. D: - nic1997ps3
This was so much more affecting than anything else on this list 9/11 was a terrible thing but this was the first time nukes were used and definitely changed the world dor the worse for introducing such a terrible threat to so many innocent people - Cantonez
How on earth could Michael Jackson's death be less worse than this? What has our would come to?
  1. Mass suicide of 909 people in Jonestown, Guyana

  1. Death Of Michael Jackson
Love you mj... Michael jackson deth is the most shocking moments of the all the time... You are best singer and dancer forever... Any one can't get it... You have 49million people fans in Facebook... Best forever... You are the best singer in all the time.
For the first time ever I actually cried after someone had died. He went too soon - idolangelx13
How is this above The Bombings of Hiroshima?
We all love you and always will

  1. Freddie Mercury's Death of AIDS
He was epic I wish I was around at his time. it was a loss of great tallent - rockit(primejive)
Unique! What an absolute legend. Would have loved & paid anything to see him perform live
The lead member of a great band lost.. It was such a horrid event.

  1. The Day Bush was Re-elected
It snowed in Texas that day. Hell literally froze over. - tarot_contralto
A lot of people dont know how to make decisions which means we have Bush as the president until Jan 2009 - idolangelx13
Before, some could argue that we didn't know enough about him when we elected him the first time. Now, it appears as if we do know, and we elected him anyway! - QuarantineGamesM
Wait which when/which bush

  1. The Indian Ocean Tsunami
Nothing compares to the deaths of hundredths of thousands of people who died in the said tsunami incident. What worsens the incident is that it happened right after Christmas. - ronluna
Can we say CRAZY! Mother nature can be S-C-A-R-Y!
I think this event is probably the most scariest. Loads of people died and I just feel so bad.
This is 9/11 for Indonesian, only no human involve in this tragedy - ComelCumil

  1. Death of Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee never died and never will
Really good Fighter theirs never going to be one like him
Really shocking news for everyone in the whole world.

  1. Lennon Assasination
Greatest man ever and greatest musician ever. He wrote imagine which really made people think about how great the world could be. Peace and love!
Biggest loss the music world ever saw except kurt cobain

  1. The Columbine High School Shootings
This is so sad. I was upset while the shooting was on. Watching these teenagers and 1 teacher dying.
They committed suicide to escape trials but they can't escape HELL!
Unless, of course, Hell is fake and they simply rotted. Or it's real and they went to heaven, simply because they believed God and Jesus. - ARandomPerson

  1. WWII
Put it in the no. 1 then hiroshima then 9/11 then holocaust. it is worst than world war 1 and other kinds of wars like iraq war. imagine evrybody fighting for their lives - ronluna
Worst than bush election, many people are exaggerating things - ronluna
This explains it all all world wars killed millions of people more than just holocaust because it is only a part of it and theres death march and hiroshima, nagasaki bombing - ronluna
An American Probaly Made This. - Thomas245

  1. The Sinking of the Titanic
Sure it was 90 years ago but think of all the dteaths! think of the children!
The unsinkable ship going down on her maiden voyage - Grizleybear
It was indeed something unbelievable.

  1. Death of Tupac Shakur
The man was ahead of his time, almost prophetic. If he had continued to live a long life, he would have achieved so much more.

  1. Princess Diana's Death
Actually, the true humanitarian that the world lost at the end of the summer of 1997, was Mother Teresa of Calcutta. I'm not trying to diminish Diana's charitable works, in any way, & like everyone else, I was shocked & very sad when she was killed. However, even Diana would agree that the world lost the greatest humanitarian, when the world lost Mother Teresa a week after her own death.
The world lost a wonderful humanatarian, and a beautifual person on the inside and out. Too sum it all up she was pure class with a heart of gold.
Not exactly up there with 9/11 or Katrina, but the whole world was shocked.


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