You’re ‘just friends’, but there’s something strange
between you two that you just cannot stop noticing. She’s not like any other
girl friend. Just the way she behaves around you is proof enough. Is she
secretly in love with you? Well, if she’s doing these 29 things, she most
probably is!
1. She gets super awkward in front of you. Her hands get
fidgety, she starts playing with her hair, or her phone, with a faint hint of
blushing, when you look at her while talking.
2. This one’s not so obvious - she fights with you a
lot. And yet, never really leaves you. She’s always making mean, nasty jokes on
you, especially on your face. There’s always a battle of wits between the two
of you. She does that because she’s in denial and wants to do everything she
can to hide her true feelings.
3. She is always the first one to respond to anything
you say, anything you do. If you want a drink, she’ll go out of her way to make
you one. She gives you way more importance than anyone else.
4. She gets hurt over reasons you don’t even understand,
over things you don’t even remember saying. It’s because she expects you to
love her back but cannot say it out loud!

5. She gives too much importance to what you think of
her. Others may judge her wrong and she wouldn’t give a damn, but she cares a
lot about what you think of her. And if she doesn’t like your opinion of her,
she goes to every length to prove herself to you. She wants you to think the
best about her and it’s quite obvious with the way she’s constantly trying to
change your opinion.
6. She shows a lot of involvement in your life, even
more than your best friend. She wants to know everything about you – the kind
of rapport you have with your parents, what you do when you’re alone, how many
girls you’ve dated, the kind of friends you had in school, what your real
passion in life is, your favourite movies, what you like for breakfast – you
name it, and she wants to know it.
7. She sends you random chat messages and claims it
happened by ‘mistake’ just to start a conversation in the middle of the night,
while she really was just stalking you on Facebook and waiting for the green
icon against your name to light up. She’s always trying too hard to not look
eager to talk to you.

8. She laughs at the lamest of jokes you crack, jokes
that nobody else finds funny, including yourself. Yeah, that’s adorable.
9. She tries to catch your attention by doing everything
possible. She won’t take your calls one random day, she will ditch plans
unexpectedly, and she will wander off from the group to take a walk alone when
you’re out with your mutual friends, she’ll sit alone at a party pretending
she’s really sad about something, hoping you’ll notice and give her some
10. She talks to you like any other friend when you meet
but as soon as you get back home and chat with her online, she begins to flirt!
It’s like, she’s a totally different person on chat. It’s maybe because she can
never gather the courage to flirt with you in person.
11. She shows signs of jealously if you talk to other
girls. She gets mad at you for giving another girl attention. And to hide her
real feelings she always plays the you-don’t-have-time-for-your-friends-anymore
12. She tries to find ways to spend some alone time with
you, even when you’re in a group. She will drag you along for a long walk with
the excuse of going to the ATM when her wallet really is loaded with cash. And,
it’s only you she chooses every time to accompany her!
13. When you’re at a party, she is somehow always in
your line of sight, and knows exactly where you’d be sitting. She’s always
making sure she gives you enough chances to notice her, especially if she’s all
decked up.
14. She’s always acting pricey, saying she cannot come
to an event for some or the other reason. Although, it takes just a little
insistence from your side to make her change her mind. That’s what she wants –
for you to insist! It makes her feel important.
15. She looks at you differently than how other girls
look at you. There’s a sexual tension in her eyes. Even when you’re talking to
someone else, her eyes are all for you.
You can almost see the attraction dominating her every move. She’s clearly attracted.
16. And, if you catch her looking at you, she goes red
in the face with embarrassment and instantly looks away.
17. She remembers everything you’ve ever said.
Everything. She doesn’t remember where she kept her phone but she remembers
exactly what you told the autowallah who refused to go by the meter that day.
18. She picks on words you use a lot, very easily. She
notices you so much, she unknowingly starts using your ‘lingo’ to the extent
that even other people cannot help but point it out!
19. She’s never bored of talking to you. She always
tries to keep the conversation going, no matter how. Whenever you think the
conversation is over, she will always have a new question for you.
20. You’ve been very inconsiderate towards her, taken
her for granted, let her down as a friend and she has still forgiven you. She
has stood by you no matter what. There’s only one way of putting it – her love
for you is unconditional.
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