Thursday 31 October 2019

ISIS confirms new leader after the death of al-Baghdadi

ISIS terrorists say they have appointed a new leader and warned America "not to rejoice" in the killing of former leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The Sunni Muslim terrorist group acknowledged today that al-Baghdadi was killed in a US military operation on Saturday.

In a message from the group's new spokesman, Abu Hamza al-Qurayshi, ISIS warned America not to celebrate the killing of al-Baghdadi.

It announces Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi is the group's new leader.

ISIS's previous spokesman, Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir, was also killed in a military strike this weekend, so this statement in itself also confirms who the new mouthpiece is for the Jihadi terrorists.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed in a raid

The group's news agency Amaq released an audio tape confirming the deaths of both figureheads and the appointment of the new leader.

Rita Katz, director of SITE Intelligence Group, said on Twitter that the audio was from "new official spokesman of ISIS , 'Abu Hamza al-Qurayshi."

She said the statement "confirms Abu Hassan al-Muhajir's death, saying that he was a Saudi" and "also confirms death of Baghdadi, announces 'Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi' as new leader".
SITE Intelligence Group is an American company that tracks online activity of white supremacist and jihadist organizations.

Rita Katz went on: "The message warns America not to rejoice in killing of its leadership. Asserts ISIS is not limited to Middle East and that it will continue its mission.

"The new message tells followers to continue to follow up on the call of Baghdadi's last audio message (released September 2019) specifically in releasing Muslim prisoners and to make recruitment and outreach.

"Abu Hamza also states that killed spokesman Abu Hassan al-Muhajir was a minister and assistant of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

"Also states the Shura Council of ISIS, after consultation, agreed to act upon Baghdadi's will and pledge allegiance to Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi.

"It was a very short message. Essentially just confirmation of recent leadership deaths, threatening continued presence across the world, and calling ISIS supporters to fulfill Baghdadi's calls.

"The speech threatens: 'America, don't you realize that the Islamic State is now at the forefront of Europe and West Africa? It is extended from the East to the West.'"

She added that "as ISIS' online machine is still alive and well, we should expect to see a campaign for this message spanning various platforms, accompanied by pledges from across the world."

She also said that, "as expected" the new ISIS leader is "allegedly from the tribe of Quraysh, which the Prophet Muhammad came from."

But she said that "the speech provides very little information about him."
Worryingly, she writes: "For ISIS supporters, the deaths of Baghdadi and Abu Hassan al-Muhajir were never going to change anything. As I write this, new pledges of allegiance are already being posted across ISIS web venues.

"Based on the reactions that are already pouring in from the ISIS community, it appears these new developments have energized the group's supporters."

SAS troops took part in the mission to hunt down and kill Islamic State commander  Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Saturday.

A small number of men joined the US-led attack on the terror chief’s hideout in northwest Syria after tracking him for a fortnight.
Once at the target,  two landed to dispatch soldiers and third hovered above them with their guns  trained on the compound.
Al-Baghdadi is said to have fled into a tunnel before setting off an explosive vest, killing himself and three of his young children.

A US AC 130 “flying gun” and Reaper drone armed with 500lb bombs then flattened the den after the troops had withdrawn.


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