Sunday 15 May 2016

Ari Stidham (Sylvester) My Scorpion Experience

Ari Stidham sat down for an AMA yesterday and gave us a little bit more insight into his life, his Scorpion castmates, and what three things he can’t live without! Read some of the highlights below!
Hi guys. I'm Ari Stidham. I'm an LA native. You might know me from SCORPION as "Sylvester Dodd." I also make music as DrTV. And if you know my music, then I'm probably a bigger fan of you! I'm a comedy nerd. AMA please. Victoria's helping me via phone.
Q: Is this verified? I feel like this should be verified. Sylvester would not be cool with this not having been verified.
A: We just verified it. And you are correct.
Q: How are u close to Sylvester’s character?
A: I am pretty close in the anxiety world to my character of Sylvester. I suffer from high anxiety, which is like, anxiety attacks, when I'm under stress and pressure. And I also sorta started, a little bit before I auditioned for the pilot. So that became this driving force, when I auditioned for Sylvester, and it just sorta works!
Q: Do you have any funny stories from filming Scorpion?
A: Yes, I do have a funny story. We were at this airport, it must've been mid-December, 2 in the morning, shooting this episode where Walter has to sort've go undercover as a secret agent, and we had this plane that we're chasing with this truck because our show is crazy-action-packed, and at 3 in the morning, they call us to set, and I go to set, and they're like "Well, where's everybody else?" and they're all literally asleep in a warming van! I mean, it's not a hilarious story, but it's the one I've been thinking of the most since we wrapped. It's like "We gotta wake 'em up! It's 3 AM!" just fun stuff like that.
Q: Do you like numbers like Sylvester?

A: I'm in general agreement with numbers. If numbers show up at a party, I'm like "hey, whassup." I'm not a math guy. I'm more of a "watch a movie" guy. But numbers are super-necessary, and I respect them.
Q: What do you like to do in your free time?
A: I hang out a lot with my girlfriend, you can see that on instagram. . Lately I've been resting and rehearsing for my live show with my band DrTV, so I've been in my apartment holed up working on my live music show, and writing a bunch of stuff - there's a podcast coming out that I'm co-writing, so it's just been a very creative hermit environment in my free time.
Q: What's the hardest thing you've to say while being on Scorpion?
A: Okay. Get ready. "O-ethyl-methyl-phonic acid." It is so complicated and hard to say. It is really hard to get out of your head. So I will remember that for the rest of my life. Try saying it three times fast! Your tongue will fall out of your face!

Q: How was your casting day?
A: My casting day was insane. Basically, I went in on a Saturday morning, which doesn't really happen that often, and i got the call the night before, and the part was for a 35 year old African-American man, and they did not know what they were going to do, from what I can tell. They saw me for a much smaller part a few days before, and called me back on a Saturday, and they had 8 pages of genius dialogue for me, I got it the night before, and it was a helluva night running that stuff! And once it stuck, I was thinking that I had something people could dig. So I was confident walking into the audition, but she only let me do it once, which freaked me out. I didn't think I did well. And for series regular parts, you have to test with network heads, studio heads, producers & higher-ups... and everybody apparently just watched my tape of the one time I did my audition. So it was a dice roll of them casting me! But then I got the part on Sunday night, and on Monday started, So it was a very quick turnaround for me.
Q: Do you have any funny stories from filming Scorpion?
A: Yes, I do have a funny story. We were at this airport, it must've been mid-December, 2 in the morning, shooting this episode where Walter has to sort've go undercover as a secret agent, and we had this plane that we're chasing with this truck because our show is crazy-action-packed, and at 3 in the morning, they call us to set, and I go to set, and they're like "Well, where's everybody else?" and they're all literally asleep in a warming van! I mean, it's not a hilarious story, but it's the one I've been thinking of the most since we wrapped. It's like "We gotta wake 'em up! It's 3 AM!" just fun stuff like that.
Q: Do you like numbers like Sylvester?
A: I'm in general agreement with numbers. If numbers show up at a party, I'm like "hey, whassup." I'm not a math guy. I'm more of a "watch a movie" guy. But numbers are super-necessary, and I respect them.
Q: What do you like to do in your free time?
A: I hang out a lot with my girlfriend, you can see that on instagram. . Lately I've been resting and rehearsing for my live show with my band DrTV, so I've been in my apartment holed up working on my live music show, and writing a bunch of stuff - there's a podcast coming out that I'm co-writing, so it's just been a very creative hermit environment in my free time.
Q: What's the hardest thing you've to say while being on Scorpion?
A: Okay. Get ready. "O-ethyl-methyl-phonic acid." It is so complicated and hard to say. It is really hard to get out of your head. So I will remember that for the rest of my life. Try saying it three times fast! Your tongue will fall out of your face!

Q: What's it like playing a scorpion?
A: It's great. I'm not playing a vicious insect. But it still has its perks. Haha. Um... I have fun every day. I get to play around, like I'm in an action-adventure movie. And I get to say "I'm not just playing pretend - I get to play someone who's WAY smarter than I am!" It's awesome.
Q: What's it like working on set with a couple, a chihuahua, a "father figure" (Robert) etc? Must be one crazy crew! Can you tell us a bit about the dynamic on set? Wonderful cast chemistry?
A: Great cast chemistry! Everybody's into getting into the rhythm of "smart people talk" which is SUPER-important to our show. Everybody pretty much comes prepared, and we love the show, so it's great to work with people who are fans of the things they're making. The cast dynamic is great.
Q: What is your favorite episode? Favorite scene?
A: Favorite episode? Probably... this last one, "Young Hearts Spark Fire." It was an episode where I got to have a hero moment, which was really fun. And my favorite scene was probably the scene at the end of "Going South," where I dance with Megan but she really can't dance. It's a positive, cute relationship moment.
Q: A funny cast shooting moment?
A: Gosh... there was ... I sorta want to see if it makes it to air, but there was a moment on the last day of shooting when Eddie and I were throwing in ad-libs in our scenes. It was a short, funny scene. And hamming it up a little bit. I guess i was hamming it up more than he was, he was great. I might have been a little bit hammy. And that was funny, because I know there will be some stuff on the blooper reel from that.

Q: Can you describe each member of the cast in one word?
A: Okay…
Robert: Lion
Elyes: Dragon
Eddie: Anteater (really smart)
Kat: Phoenix
Jadyn: Ember (like an)
Ari: Lioncub
Q: Are you learning a lot from having such a seasoned actor like Robert Patrick on the show with you?
A: ABSOLUTELY. In every interview I've ever given, I usually say how much I've learned from him, because he's taught me how to act for camera. I truly didn't know anything about camera technique, or the specificity of on-camera acting, and we had him and an amazing acting coach named Steven Bridgewater whom Robert brought, and they just turned it around for me. I mean, I don't think I was going downhill, but they gave me a fresh perspective and got me to start going back to school. I practice! It's just a new language I'd never spoken before. That's ALSO stuff I like to nerd out about - my job! It's cool that I get to do that!

Q: Do you and Katharine McPhee have a duet planned anytime soon? You guys would be great together!
A: WE Do! There's a song called "Just Us" on my new EP coming up... and the release date is still TBD, but it's going to be this summer. We don't have a specific date, but it's going to be a summer release. There's gonna be a music video, all kinds of stuff in the works.
Q: What are 3 things you can't live without?
A: Water... music... and a DVD of the 80's classic film FOOTLOOSE.

Q: Are you excited about season 2?
A: ABSOLUTELY excited about season 2. I think our characters have so much more in-store. And there's going to be a lot more relation-shippy stuff, and a lot more action. I'm promising you these things as a blind man, because I haven't read a single script, but I can surmise from our first season that we're gonna have some love, some action, some comedy.

Q: Ari, the writers seem pretty clever, but has anyone raised the point that the title card says "close" Scorpion in code? = Close Scorpion, would = Open Scorpion. Is this intentional and foreshadowing a time when Scorpion will have to go rogue and hide from the government with a new team name?

A: No comment. Maybe you know too much...


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