Last night, Donald Trump was officially elected President
of the United States. Throughout the night, celebrities shared their surprise,
grief, fear, disappointment, and some words of hope and determination as the
reality sank in. Here, read some of the reactions to Trump's win:
I am scared. I will fight. Trump will not crush my spirit. Hope fuels the fire in my belly to seek the change I want to see in this country
Gonna miss Obama. maybe this country needs a Trump presidency to see just how good we had it and took it for granted!!!!! #GodBlessTheUSA
We stand together. We stick up for the vulnerable. We challenge bigots. We don't let hate speech become normalised. We hold the line. …
I just want to remind everyone that we are looking at a very close race with a presidential candidate who was endorsed by the KKK.
America, you have failed. What the actual fuck. Devastating. I won't recognize @realDonaldTrump as our president, ever. #dumptrucktrump
This is disgusting and truly demoralizing the message it sends. Goodnight
I am just absolutely beside myself right now. I can't believe the way this thing has turned. Trying to remain hopeful but geeez louise.
Do not sit still. Do not weep. MOVE. We are not a nation that will let HATE lead us.
In a room full of hope, we will be heard. Nothing can stop us. @iamderay #blacklivesmatter Stand up for kindness, equality, and love.
A true American Horror Story
Maybe this is rock bottom and there's no where to go but up.
I feel like America just sent in our tuition check for Trump University.
I truly cannot visualize the rambling, incoherent creature I saw at the debates now addressing the nation from the Oval Office.
You know what we do now? We finish building what we started and we FIGHT BACK! Lift your heads up brothers and sisters.
The hate tweets Im getting based on trying 2 promote unity inspite of division is a perfect example of how his hate has already affected us
People r angry. People r broke. They voted 4 change. I disagree but that is. We can. ACCEPTANCE today. COURAGE, change, ACTION tomorrow.
Be tired. Be mad. Be honest & concerned. But be not afraid. Rest up. Be safe. Come together. Construct. Know your surroundings. Be creative.
as upset as many of us are imagine how scared to death @Rosiemust be this morning.... #ElectionHangover
i am not scared - i am sad - for all of us - for humanity - @TBoneisT360
Woke up feeling like I'd had a nightmare. Then started crying again. Mantra: I am not alone, we are not alone.
I watched Frozen without my two year old this morning. Despair reveals itself in many forms.
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