Wednesday 9 November 2016

Celebrities react to Donald Trump's presidential victory
Hillary Clinton had the support of the biggest names in show business and possibly the most votes overall, but Donald Trump's unprecedented movement to the Oval Office could not be stopped. He had an upset win in the Electoral College.
For Trump's own celebrity supporters, including Stephen Baldwin and Ted Nugent, his victory was met with congratulations and praise.

But for a larger swath of celebrities in the US and abroad — a number of whom even campaigned for Clinton — a Trump presidency has prompted them to express disbelief, fear, and rallying cries on social media.

From Lady Gaga to J.K. Rowling, here's how left-leaning stars reacted to Trump's victory:

Seth MacFarlane

I truly cannot visualize the rambling, incoherent creature I saw at the debates now addressing the nation from the Oval Office.

Chris Evans

This is an embarrassing night for America. We've let a hatemonger lead our great nation. We've let a bully set our course. I'm devastated.

Chrissy Teigen

Chrissy Teigen
Twitter/Chrissy Teigen

Jessica Chastain

The positive element from all this is that we can no longer pretend that we are free of racism & sexism. The question is, what do we do now?

Rashida Jones

I just want to remind everyone that we are looking at a very close race with a presidential candidate who was endorsed by the KKK.

Stephen King

No more book recommendations, politics, or amusing dog pictures for the immediate future. I'm shutting down.

Kristen Bell

John Legend

I feel like America just sent in our tuition check for Trump University.

Sarah Silverman

"In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart."
Anne Frank


world will never be the same. I feel Sad for the young.🚽will never be more than the toilet, I’ve used as a symbol 4 Him.
U Can’t Polish 💩


Snoop Dogg

Will Arnett

Amy Schumer

J.K. Rowling

We stand together. We stick up for the vulnerable. We challenge bigots. We don't let hate speech become normalised. We hold the line. 


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