Wednesday 5 February 2020

Eva Braun Adolf Hitler wife Life History

Eva Braun was the mistress and long-time companion of Adolf Hitler.
Hitler and Eva had a toxic, unstable relationship and Eva attempted suicide multiple times.

As a student, Eva achieved average grades and excelled at athletics. After school, she was employed as a salesperson for Heinrich Hoffman, who was Hitler’s photographer, which is how the two met.
At the end of WWII, Eva travelled to Hitler’s side against his orders in an act of loyalty. The pair committed suicide together –  Hitler shot himself, Eva took a cyanide pill.

Eva Braun, born in Munich on February 6, 1912, was born into a middle-class family. She was the second of three daughters of Fritz Braun, a school teacher, and Franziska Braun, a tailor. Although it was unconventional at the time, Eva’s parents got divorced and got back together after one year. She was good at sports and had interests in clothes, makeup, and films.
Eva’s relationship with Hitler
When Eva was 17 years old, she took a job as a salesperson and clerk at a shop owned by Heinrich Hoffman, the official photographer for the Nazi Party. During her time at the shop, she developed her skills in photography and developing images. Many of the personal photographs of Hitler were taken by Eva.

In October 1929, the 17-year-old Eva met Hitler, who was 23-years older than her, when he visited Hoffman’s studio in Munich. She fell deeply in love with him, although historians suggest Hitler’s feelings for her were not the same. From accounts by Hoffman, Eva ‘was just an attractive little thing, in whom, in spite of her inconsequential and feather-brained outlook – or perhaps just because of it – [Hitler] found the type of relaxation and repose he sought… But never, in voice, looks or gesture, did he behave in any way that suggested any deeper interest in her’ (Guest 2006; citing Hoffman).

In 1932, Eva attempted suicide by shooting herself in the chest. After her recovery, the two became lovers. Because Eva had learned how to take photographs, she began working as a photographer for Hoffman, which allowed her to travel with Hitler’s entourage taking pictures for the Nazi Party.

Come 1935, Eva attempted suicide again by taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Based on accounts and fragments of her diary, she felt great despair at Hitler making insufficient time for her and their relationship.  In public, Hitler would often treat Eva like a mistress, passing her envelopes of money in plain view of everyone. She wrote in her diary about such treatment, stating: ‘yesterday he invited us to dinner at the Vierjahrennzeiten. I sat with him for three hours and we did not exchange a single word. At the end, he handed me, as he had done before, an envelope with money in it. It would have been much nicer if he had enclosed a greeting or a loving word’ (Braun 1935).

In 1936 Eva moved to Hitler’s house in the Bavarian Alps where she spent her time enjoying activities such as sunbathing, skiing, swimming, and gymnastics (Biography Editors 2017).

Hitler presented himself to the public as a chaste hero, and Eva was never allowed to accompany him as his partner in public or at rallies. She was expected to conform to the Nazi ideology of women as homemakers. Hitler was also a very charismatic man. He believed he was sexually attractive to many women and sought to leverage this for political gain. With these issues combined with Eva’s troubled mind, she lived in a state of constant anxiety that Hitler would leave her for another woman or be killed in the war.

Eva continued to work for Hoffman while she was in a relationship with Hitler. She took many photographs and made films of the inner circle, some of which she sold to Hoffman for very high prices. She also held the position of private secretary to Hitler. When Eva’s sister married a man on Hitler’s staff, he used the opportunity to allow Eva to attend events, where she could be introduced as S-Gruppenführer Hermann Fegelein’s sister-in-law without causing controversy.

Eva lived a sheltered life throughout the war. In the closing days of the war, 7 March 1945, however, Eva travelled to Berlin to be with Hitler despite his instructions for her to remain in the Bavarian Alps. She refused to let him die alone. After 15 years of being together in secret, Hitler and Eva married each other in a civil ceremony on April 29, 1945. The following day, Eva and Hitler committed suicide. Their bodies were burnt in the gardens of the Reich Chancellery.


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