Thursday 6 February 2020

Five contestants have openly announced running for president in 2020 (America)

While many potential Democratic candidates have yet to announce their intentions, some have already launched presidential campaigns, including Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and Maryland Representative John Delaney.

Here's a list of the major party 2020 presidential candidates.

President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump is seeking reelection in 2020. He announced his intentions to do so just days into his first term, on January 20, 2017.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren

On a video posted to her website on December 31, 2018, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren announced that she was launching an exploratory committee for a presidential run in 2020. In the video, Warren who has long been expected to run described her vision of defending the middle class, which she said was "under attack."

Former Maryland Representative John Delaney

Former Maryland Representative John Delaney was the first major Democrat to declare a presidential bid.
Delaney, who was a US representative from 2013 to 2019, announced his decision to run on July 28, 2017.
In a Washington Post op-ed announcing his candidacy, Delaney said "The current administration is making us less prosperous and less secure. Im running because I have an original approach to governing and an economic policy that can put us on a different course."

West Virginia State Senator Richard Ojeda

Richard Ojeda, a member of the West Virginia Senate, is running for the White House in 2020.
Ojeda, who lost a House race in 2018, announced his decision to run soon after, on November 11, 2018.

Entrepreneur Andrew Yang

Andrew Yang, an American entrepreneur and founder of Venture for America, announced his presidential candidacy on November 6, 2017.
Yang's campaign prominently features giving all Americans a basic $1,000 monthly income.


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